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10.26.02 - 2:22 pm

what's up with random people calling me today. people i haven't heard from in almost a year? i've asked myself this question all morning and afternoon.

i guess i'm one of those guys who people pick up for a while, try out, and let go. then eventually they figure out somethings missing from their lives, so they go shopping for someone interesting to talk to. i guess old tricks are the best tricks, eh?

anyway.. so i've been confused. i really need to move. i'm really tired of being where i'm at. and goddamnit, i need school.

this new band should be interesting.

i mean, i drum for fucking 4 people now. Jack's Smirking Revenge. some dude named Ben out of south Carolina. The Maxwell Street Allstars featuring Damien Bell, and The (can't remember the name) Trio of some sort. You ask me how I do it? I really don't. I've only played with 3 of those bands, and only a couple times. I'm fulltime with JSR however. So blah blah blah.. i'm rambling.. done rambling. I'm gonna go lick the cats butt till work time.



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