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11.04.02 - 12:55 am

who else thought halloween sucked this year? the feeling just wasn't there at all. i remember as a kid, it was my favorite holiday. dress up. haul back bags of candy from people all over the neighborhood. watch the disney halloween special, and then fall asleep with an aching stomach and lots of milk. when i trick or treated, there were loads of kids out. tons of houses with their lights on, even some of them with doors open to invite you in, in order to scare the living shit out of you. this year... i didn't feel anything. i mean, granted, i stopped trick or treating when i was around 14, but there was always that really cool feeling to have on halloween. it was always just... halloween. and this year, i had 5 trick or treaters. that sucks. and all my friends reported the same thing. are we really in this shape in our country? are we so afraid or so apathetic that we've surrendered to the news and media and the snipers? i don't know what it was really, but i was really disappointed.



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